20 Motivational Quotes to help you get off your ass and get going

Let’s face it, we all need a little motivation now and then. Life, in all its infinite variations, and complexities, loves to play with us. And sometimes, these games are tiring, and leave you with the feeling of de-motivation, anxious, and stressed. All you want to do is to go somewhere far away, and not worry about things. We know how essential that is, and that’s why we have compiled a list (a VERY SMALL list) of quotes that will help you to get off your ass, and get going!

Which literally translates to ‘Seize the moment!’

That’s our pick for now. There are countless quotes to motivate you, but sometimes, these are all you need! Happy wanderlust!

Do you think we put more than 20 quotes? We think we put 21. Do let us know!

Sometimes, a little inspiration is never bad. Take a look at this to get going! Think you are too young to start? Maybe you should read this.

4 thoughts on “20 Motivational Quotes to help you get off your ass and get going

  1. “Travelling makes you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” also is one of my absolute favorites 🙂 I love reading travel sayings and quotes, so I was very happy to stumble upon your post!


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